Monday, March 12, 2007

The Six

Since it's no longer Sunday, I decided to just call this one The Six.

A while back, I conducted an in depth interview with my hero. I've posted six of my questions along with his answers below. Originally, I was going to interview him again -- some light questions for the Sunday Six. However, I changed my mind. I like these questions much better anyway. So, I guess I'll let Cris do the talking (Cris, the hero of my MIP, not Criss Angel, the dreamboat in Alyson's last blog.)

Tell me about your last girlfriend, the one you had before my MIP:
Red hair. Bright, auburn hair that always reminded of fall. Green eyes. One of those classic red heads with that shiny hair and light freckles. Petite. She was only maybe 5’3”. Tough as hell, though. No one ever saw that until it was too late for them. (A smile now.)
Once you got to know her, you forgot she was this little woman. She was so damn good at taking care of herself. She was always telling me that I didn’t need to protect her. But that was wrong. Wish I'd known that earlier.

She died, right? How'd she die?
Next question.

Right. Favorite music. So what is it?
Blues. B.B. King. Old Stones. You know – the classic stuff. Even a little CCR. (Hums a little “Who’ll Stop the Rain.)
Ask me about books.

You read?
Hell, yeah. I read. Vince Flynn. Guy’s accurate as hell. Robert Ludlum.

Did you grow up on espionage books and old, soulful rock?
Oh, yeah. Kinda. Loved the spy thing as a kid. And I just kinda got all dad’s old albums when he died. I used to play them over and over. Grandma even said after hearing it that much, she kinda liked the Stones, too.

Your grandmother raised you?
Yeah. She was a great lady. My parents both died in a car wreck when I was only 5. I was with my grandma at the time. My dad had taken my mom to a movie on a “date”. I think he did that a lot. Anyway, I just never went home after that night. I stayed with grandma. She was old, even then. I think raising me took a lot out of her.

Ok, so I'm ending this rather abruptly, but Cris and Kat (the heroine) have been telling me some things about Kat's family that I didn't know. Wow. They're bugging me to get back to the story. Cris wants me to go ahead and write the sex scene. (Typical man.)

I guess I better get back to work.


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