Sunday, May 6, 2007

Send over the cheese . . .

To go with my whine. Yep, I'm whining again, although I managed to get a lot of it out of my system already. This time it's for our six-- then no more whining for a good two weeks, I promise.

Okay, so what drives me crazy about my writing process, situation, skills?

First, it's taken me a year to figure out my damn process, and I'm not done yet. I've listened to everyone and their uncle and the truth of the matter is I needed to hear it, read about it, play with it, BUT I've always gone to the beat of my own drummer. There are many things I didn't do on this first manuscript that I will do on my next one. For example, I'm a pantser and that's okay. Next novel, I'm just going to write, write, write what I know -- who , what, where, why, when, how. Write it out -- 50-100 pages worth of the 5 W's, stream of consciousness. Then I'll sort it out and write up a 5-7 page synopsis that highlights the turning points. From there, I will turn what I know into a complete first draft, allowing myself to veer as needed. Then I'll fix everything in another 3-4 drafts. And I will not show the first, or second draft to anyone. I will not ask everyone and their uncle their opinion. And I will not fret about how everyone else "does" it. I will know upfront that I'll need a little break once the first draft is complete. Once, I've fixed the first draft and I'm ready, I'll show my work to a critique partner or group, and consider contests or whatever. If I get stuck, I'll brainstorm with others but I'll cut back on just brainstorming to brainstorm cuz I don't know what the hell I'm doing. I think some of that stuff is procrastination, pure and simple.

Second, I have one hell of a time sticking to a daily writing schedule but it MUST be done.

Third, it drives me nuts, nuts, nuts that it takes me several drafts to layer in everything--setting, character nuances-- I want to layer in. But heck, that's the way it's done. I have to let go of envy, perfectionism, self criticism and learn to trust myself.

Fourth, it drives me INSANE that I add in so much extra crapola that needs to be cut. However, I think some of that will be addressed if I write out 50-100 pages of the 5W's upfront and really get to know the characters and what's going on.

Fifth, time--- time, time, time. I'd like nothing more than to be able to lock myself away for a month and write like a madwoman, but I have a life. I can't truly allow my obsession to take over (and I do get rather obsessed.) Hence the need for sticking to a practical, purposeful daily writing schedule.

Last, talent -- woe, woe, woe. I want to be one of those prodigies who writes with ease and magical brilliance. Such is not my situation. I'm one of those writers that has to bleed for every damn scene. And I bleed sloooooowly. ARGH!

Since I've whined a heck of a lot lately, I'll leave it at that.

Cheers and happy writing,

p.s. Samantha went to a workshop last week and someone there said the first draft is like vomit. Oddly, that totally cheered me up. I'm not the only one avoiding the puke lying in the drawer:)

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