Friday, August 10, 2007

Sci fi, fantasy, and romance

It’s Friday night and I should be working on MIP, but I’m tired. It’s been a long stressful week. And, I watched a screenwriting video by Michael Hague and I need to process it so I thought I’d do it here.

When I think about favorite movies, I think about sci fi like The X-Men series, Lord of the Rings, Blade, etc. I also think about love stories like Pearl Harbor, Titanic, The Holiday, and Sweet Home Alabama. I love different things about both.

One thing I’ve noticed is that, although, I love sci fi, I frequently am not quite satisfied after the movie. Something is missing. I usually want my next movie, after a sci fi, to be a romance.

Michael said that stories driven heavily by plot and action frequently don’t explore the character arcs and romance as much.

I think that’s what I find missing from the Sci Fi. The ending might be good. Good beats evil. But does the guy get the girl? Not always.

You know, what I really want to be able to do is combine the fantasy element that intrigues me so much with satisfying character arc and romantic elements that I love in romances.

I want to create stories that combine all that I love. I wouldn’t mind if they became movies, either.

What kind of story do you really, really want to write?



Unknown said...

Hmmm. This is a tough question and I'm hoping the voice class will help with this. It keeps evolving. One thing I've noticed in various discussions at AoTP and other writing venues is that I want internal to be really, really internal. Same with emotional. Deep stuff. From center. People will talk about internal conflict and I'm thinking-- that's still to the outer edge of "internal". I mean I want the core, the guts. And I am all about character arc. I want the plot to make sense and be logical but a lot of action can bore me to tears, if it's not paired, every moment, with the core stuff and character arc. So what do I want to write? I don't know. About transformation. About getting unstuck, about hitting walls, breaking every bone but still having the hutzpah to get back and climb over the damn thing. I like some romance, too, of course.

Crummy answer, but I like the question:)

Anonymous said...

You write very well.