Monday, August 20, 2007

Katrina Loves...

Rising to Macy's Challenge, here is my list of 25 things I love. These are in the order they came to me, but not necessarily how I'd rank them.

1 - Rain outside my window when I'm curled up in my warm bed with no place I need to be, or when I'm cozy on the couch with a good book. Rain soothes my soul.

2 - My mom's hot crispy fried chicken and her German potato salad with a hint of vinegar, pieces of bacon and huge chunks of warm potato. They must be served together. Yum.

3 - My black Alfani fluttery skirt. It hangs like silk and hugs the curves just right, and when I walk it flips a little in a flirty way.

4 - Books. New books especially. I love the smell of the crisp pages and all that promise before me of a good story or interesting philosophy or just something to learn. I buy them when I know I already have too many to read, but resistance is futile. I must have them for my own.

5 - The painting I bought of a canal and gondola when in Venice last year. The buildings are done in rich burgundy tones, colorful pink flowers hang in window boxes, and the light glistens off the water in a hazy green hue. I had it set in a thick mahogany frame and it's hanging over my defunct fireplace like a window back to Italy.

6 - See's luscious melt-in-your-mouth-it's-so-wonderful peanut brittle. The buttery taste and creamy texture always make me want to eat the whole box, but I ration it instead to avoid the sugar crash that would result from bingeing.

7 - Music. Sexy Latin beats that get my heart and hips moving. Snappy Jazz that wakes up my senses. And sultry seductive R&B that makes me want to dance slow and close in the strong arms of a good man. I love the stories songs tell and a beautiful melody can reach deep inside past all my defenses.

8 - Feminine nightgowns with elegant accents, soft pajamas in blacks and pinks, and flirty sexy babydoll lingerie, even if I'm the only one who sees me in it. A roommate once accused me of having a pajama fetish, but a fetish would mean I'm turned on by pajamas wouldn't it? And I'm not. I mean, some women love shoes. I love sleep wear. Hmm. I'm not sure that proves my point. :)

9 - Cold, smooth, Haagen Daaz vanilla malts so thick you can barely suck them through the straw.

10 - Snowflakes drifting down in heavy clumps, blanketing the city in a heavenly cloud of silence.

11 - Sunsets that paint the sky in deep shades of lavender, pink and orange.

12 - A crisp dark night out in the country where I can sit back and get lost in a starry sky that stretches on to forever.

13 - The clumsiness, exuberance, playfulness and unabashed friendliness of large-footed retriever puppies.

14 - The cool, sparkly citrus taste of Orangina.

15 - A good deep massage by someone with great hands who knows what they're doing, finds the tight spots and works on them until I feel limp, relaxed and satisfied. (Sigh. I think I feel some muscles that need some attention.)

16 - A crisp British accent on the tongue of a clever British guy. He could wax on about anything from auto parts to complex mathematical equations and I'd hang on every word, putty for the shaping. It's really very comical.

17 - Traveling near and far. I love discovering new places. Exotic, ancient, scenic or big city. It fuels my imagination and excites my soul.

18 - Water. The crash of ocean surf as it rushes to shore only to wash gently over my bare feet. The sight and sound of a creek hurrying over stones on its way to somewhere. The glassy surface of a lake in the early morning before the world awakes.

19 - The lush green landscapes of a thick forest of tall pine, damp, cool and quiet, except for the rustling of a breeze through the trees and the cheerful birds overhead.

20 - Eggs Benedict. With the english muffins toasted golden and perfect, a slice of warm ham, eggs poached just right, all drowned in tangy buttery hollandaise sauce. My mouth is watering.

21 - Pedicures. I love the pampering. The buffing. The foot rub. The off with the old, on with the new. I especially love my toenails freshly painted in Malaga Wine and topped with the sparkly shade of Ruby Pumps. Think Dorothy's shoes only on your toes.

22 - The wit and brashness of Jennifer Crusie novels. The characters are wounded and funny and she can deliver a line that cuts right to the heart. And not necessarily in an emotional way. I just love how she turns a phrase.

23 - My family. My mother for realizing who I am and encouraging me in my dreams. My sister for making family a priority, even if she doesn't call much. My nephew, Nick, for giving me hugs even though he's 15 now and too cool for that. My nephew, Alex, for his sense of humor and for knowing the right thing to say. My niece, Holly, for the mutual delight that exists when we see one another. Oh, and my brother-in-law, Greg, for his sharp wit and kindness.

24 - Being creative. Whether it be creating characters or stories that move people, designing a bright flower arrangement, taking photographs that capture a mood, or trying my hand at oil painting. I love having a creative outlet. Although the writing is the most fun, and the most work.

25 - The freedom to pursue what I dream in my heart or what I can't even imagine yet. The freedom to change if I can figure out how. The freedom to explore the world. The freedom to believe what my heart dictates when it comes to religion. The freedom to express myself. Funny, but with all this talk of freedom, I still feel restricted by old nagging voices from the past. To be truly free would be to live as I wish in spite of those influences. I'm hoping that day is coming.

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