Thursday, July 5, 2007

What I Love About My MIP

I didn’t seem to have any trouble coming up with what I love about my current story, Lady in Waiting. I feel like I’m still in that infatuation stage of the relationship and haven’t seen the realities of it for what they are. It’s not a bad place to be though.

First, I love my characters -- from my hero and heroine to the supporting cast. I love their impulsiveness, their wit, their hope, their spunk, their vulnerabilities and the courage they dig deep to find.

I enjoy spending time with them, putting their thoughts, desires, and stories on the page. They constantly surprise me.

Second, I love the magic. A short while ago I switched the story from historical fantasy to paranormal, giving some of the characters supernatural gifts and adding an element of magic to their world. While I don’t claim to have otherworldly powers (although a few nights ago I had a dream that I did), when sudden insight comes, I do feel like I’ve been influenced by a little magic myself. So, I guess I’m saying I’m enjoying the magic both on and off the page.

Third, I love how new and interesting characters just walk into scenes without any prior warning or introduction. I seriously stop and wonder, Where did you come from? Of course, then I move on to discover just who they are.

Fourth, it gives me a light, almost giddy feeling when I share parts with friends and they quote lines they love back to me or tell me how much they love a character or a scene. In referring to my story, one friend said, “it’s fun, like pink champagne.” It just makes me feel bubbly all over. :)

Fifth, about the writing, there have been times (usually when I’m stuck or facing an important scene), when I’d prefer to nap, wash dishes, do laundry, clean the toilet (you get the idea), rather than sit down to write.

Occasionally I succumb to those urges, but when I don’t, when I force myself to do the work anyway, the pages spill out. It might take a few minutes to unstop the dam, but my perseverance loosens the smallest of stones and then another, until the ideas are flowing freely again. It’s absolutely wonderful.

Sixth, I love living vicariously through my characters. Through them I can say the things I might not have the courage to say and do the things I may not be bold enough to do. They take chances, they face their demons, they risk their hearts, and sometimes they make really bad choices. Through them I gain insight into myself and hopefully grow in the process.

OK, back to Kate and Bregovi and the choices and the magic and the insight. I’m just hoping readers will get half as much out of it as I am.



Macy O'Neal said...

Your blog is like your story -- very pink champagne. I love it. I also love the magic you added to it.

Katrina Snow said...

Thanks, Macy. I'm glad you love both. :)